
- Princeton Theological Seminary, Ph.D. in Old Testament Studies (2012)
- Calvin Theological Seminary, MTS
- Peking University, MA in Western Aesthetics History (1998)
Assistant Professor of Old Testament, GETS Theological Seminary
Old Testament Studies, Literature Theory, Theology of Psalms
Issues of OT Studies, Research and Methodology in OT, Pentateuch, Old Testament Historical Books, Studies in the Minor Prophets, Studies in Poetic & Wisdom Books, Biblical Hebrew
Poetry and Devotion
Poetry and Subjectivity: Lyrical Ethics after Levinas.” In Scripture and Interpretation. Chendu: Sichuan People, 2011 [in Chinese].
“Literary Approaches to the Old Testament.” In Junwei Chen (ed.), Methodologies in the Studies of Christianity. Beijing: Religion and Culture Press, 2014 [in Chinese]
“How Is a Love Poem Like the Beloved: The Importance of Emotion in Reading Biblical Poetry,” pages 131–146 in J. Blake Couey and Elaine James (eds.), Biblical Poetry and the Art of Close Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
The Fine Line between One and the Other in Song 5:2-8.” In Kevin Chau and Sarah Zhang (ed.), Poetic Approaches to the Song of Songs, forthcoming.
“Interrupting an Established Parallelism.” In Festschrift for Shamir Yona. Ostracon, forthcoming.
“Speaking of the Other: Interest and Love in Song 5:2-8,” in “The Song of Songs, Women and Public Discourse: Reading in a #MeToo Era.” Brill, forthcoming.
“The Canvas of Delight: A Close Reading of Song 4:1–7.” Humanities and Art 11: 015 [in Chinese and English], 2012.
“Emotion and the Waṣf,” “Bold Enough to be Vulnerable,” in F. Scott Spener, The Song of Songs. Wisdom Commentary Series. Collegeville: Liturgical, 2016.
“Emotion as the Base Shade of Poetry.” Literary Studies of the Bible 12 (2016): 240-260 [in Chinese].
“Lyrical Slippage, Meaning-Making and Proximity in Song 2:10-13,” Biblical Interpretation 27.1 (2019): 20–35.
“The Translation of the Song of Songs: How Deep Does Faithfulness Reach?,” Cosmos (2019) [in Chinese]
“The Underside of Passion: the Meaning of Qinʾâ (Song 8:6) through a Contextual Reading,” Literary Studies of the Bible 20 (2019): 154-181 [in Chinese]
Book Reviews:
Review of R. W. L. Moberly, The Theology of the Book of Genesis. Horizons in Biblical Theology 32 (2010) 1–29: 20–21.
Review of Mark R. Sneed (ed.), Was There a Wisdom Tradition? New Prospects in Israelite Wisdom Studies. Atlanta: SBL, 2015, and Simon Chi-Chung Cheung, Wisdom Intoned: A Reappraisal of the Genre “Wisdom Psalm.” New York: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015. Biblical Interpretation 26.2.