
- Princeton Theological Seminary, Ph.D. in Old Testament Studies (2012)
- Calvin Theological Seminary, MTS
- 北京大學西方美學史碩士(1998)
Poetry and Subjectivity: Lyrical Ethics after Levinas.” In Scripture and Interpretation. Chendu: Sichuan People, 2011 [in Chinese].
“Literary Approaches to the Old Testament.” In Junwei Chen (ed.), Methodologies in the Studies of Christianity. Beijing: Religion and Culture Press, 2014 [in Chinese]
“How Is a Love Poem Like the Beloved: The Importance of Emotion in Reading Biblical Poetry,” pages 131–146 in J. Blake Couey and Elaine James (eds.), Biblical Poetry and the Art of Close Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
The Fine Line between One and the Other in Song 5:2-8.” In Kevin Chau and Sarah Zhang (ed.), Poetic Approaches to the Song of Songs, forthcoming.
“Interrupting an Established Parallelism.” In Festschrift for Shamir Yona. Ostracon, forthcoming.
“Speaking of the Other: Interest and Love in Song 5:2-8,” in “The Song of Songs, Women and Public Discourse: Reading in a #MeToo Era.” Brill, forthcoming.
“The Canvas of Delight: A Close Reading of Song 4:1–7.” Humanities and Art 11: 015 [in Chinese and English], 2012.
“Emotion and the Waṣf,” “Bold Enough to be Vulnerable,” in F. Scott Spener, The Song of Songs. Wisdom Commentary Series. Collegeville: Liturgical, 2016.
“Emotion as the Base Shade of Poetry.” Literary Studies of the Bible 12 (2016): 240-260 [in Chinese].
“Lyrical Slippage, Meaning-Making and Proximity in Song 2:10-13,” Biblical Interpretation 27.1 (2019): 20–35.
“The Translation of the Song of Songs: How Deep Does Faithfulness Reach?,” Cosmos (2019) [in Chinese]
“The Underside of Passion: the Meaning of Qinʾâ (Song 8:6) through a Contextual Reading,” Literary Studies of the Bible 20 (2019): 154-181 [in Chinese]
Review of R. W. L. Moberly, The Theology of the Book of Genesis. Horizons in Biblical Theology 32 (2010) 1–29: 20–21.
Review of Mark R. Sneed (ed.), Was There a Wisdom Tradition? New Prospects in Israelite Wisdom Studies. Atlanta: SBL, 2015, and Simon Chi-Chung Cheung, Wisdom Intoned: A Reappraisal of the Genre “Wisdom Psalm.” New York: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015. Biblical Interpretation 26.2.