
- University of Glasgow, PhD in Theology and Religious Studies (2003)
- South East Asia Graduate School of Theology; Master of Theology (MTheol) (1996)
- Trinity Theological College, Singapore; Bachelor of Theology (BTh) (1991)
New Testament Studies, Diaspora Judaism, Idolatry, Hermeneutics, Pauline Theology
New Testament Studies (DMin), New Testament Studies
Idolatry and Authority: A Study of 1 Corinthians 8.1—11.1 in the Light of the Jewish Diaspora. Library of New Testament Studies. London: T&T Clark, 2005.
Essays in Multi-Authored Volumes:
“門徒的召命與身份”,潘玉萍、孫小慧編,《來跟從我:從作主門徒到訓練門徒》,2013, 34-50.
Journal Articles
1. ‘Authority and Example: A Study of 1 Corinthians 9 in the Context of Debates on Idolatry’, Trinity Theological Journal 13 (2005), 52-74.
2. “對上帝忠誠:《所羅門智訓》第十三至十五章對智慧的表述”,
山道期刊16 (2005), 23-43.
3. ‘Christ as Supreme: A Study of Colossians 1.15-20’, Trinity Theological Journal 15 (2007), 77-112.
4. “從保羅書信看其上帝觀“,中國宣道期刊 8 (2008), 27-51.
5. ‘From Covenantal Nomism to “Christotelic Nomism”: Paul’s Two-Pronged Argument in Galatians 5.1-12, Trinity Theological Journal 16 (2008), 44-61.
6. “從聖約之律法主義到‘基督成就之律法主義‘:保羅在加拉太書五一至12中之二叉辯證”,中國宣道期刊 9 (2009),15-38.
7. ‘Gal 3.28, Shalom, and the Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars’, Sino-Christian Studies 5 (2008), 34-66.
8. ‘The Colossian Controversy: An Historical Enquiry into the Background of Colossians 1.15-20’, Chinese Mission Seminary Journal (2010), 31-70.
9. “使徒保羅在基督裏的靈命”,《靈深一席談》(2010), 48-51.
10. “散居猶太之領導與紀律:保羅領導之背景”,中國宣道期刊11 (2011), 41-82.
11. ‘Realising the Euangelion: “Disciple-making” as a Possible New Direction for the Future of Inter-religious Dialogue in Asia’, Asia Journal of Theology 26.1 (April 2012), 105-23.
12. ‘Trinitarian Monotheism: Faithfulness to God in Pauline Literature’, Trinity Theological Journal (2013), 47-67.
13. “接待天使:發揚初期教會的‘款待’精神, 山道期刊 18.1 (2015), 43-59. (山道期刊譯)
14. ‘“Nouns”, “Pronouns”, and Idolatry: A Re-examination of Representation of Divinity in Writing and Worship’, Asia Journal of Theology 31.1 (2017), 77-97.
Book Review
1. “張略:《雅各書注釋》(香港:基道出版社, 2008)”, 山道期刊 22.2 (2008), 192-97.
2. “Dale C. Allision, The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009)”, 山道期刊 25.1 (2010), 212-19.