
Leonard Sidharta
Leonard Sidharta, PhD
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
  • Purdue University, PhD in Philosophy of Religion (2012)
  • Calvin College, BA (Hons.) 2002)
Expertise: Systematic Theology, Apologetics, Philosophy

Systematic Theology, Apologetics, Logic & Critical Thinking, Christian Worldview



“信息与抽象客体:论科学的形而上学成分及其神学意味”,The Journal of Chinese Ecclesial Theology, vol. 1: Dec. 2022, Institute for Christian Formation, Langley, BC

“Theology and Human Flourishing: A Thomistic Account”, in Revitalization of the Church, edited by Ferry Mamahit, Malang: STT SAAT Press. February, 2021.

“The Trinity and the Problem of ‘the One’ and ‘the Two’: Introducing the Triune God in the Neo-Confucian Context”, in The Triune God, Singapore: The Bible Society of Singapore, 2022.



“How to Make Athens Closer to Jerusalem: Construing a Neo-Calvinist Model of the Relationship between Philosophy and Theology”, The Journal of Chinese Theology 8 (2022): 1-28, Leiden: Brill.

“在本性与恩典之间徘徊:托马斯主义‘纯本性’之争与自然法的基督论阐释世代 XV2022年一月。

“窥视诸神的诞生:对偶像崇拜的形成的一个哲学诠释International Journal of Sino-Western Study 18 (2020): 145-158.

“美善、法则与上帝:论道德概念的有神论基础”,建道学刊 52 2019):109-138